Preschool Lead Teacher

Grace Figueroa

Preschool Lead Teacher

I am delighted to inform you that I will be your child’s preschool teacher. I am embracing this opportunity with great experience and anticipation, and am thrilled to be working with your child this year.

My name is Grace Figueroa. I relocated to Virginia in November 2017. I have a daughter, who is in her Junior year at Auburn University at Montgomery Alabama. I attained a Bachelor’s Degree from University of Baguio (Philippines) I taught fourth grade for seven years in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (a United States Commonwealth Territory} I was a K3 preschool teacher at a DHR licensed daycare in Alabama for two years.

My personal interests include healthful cooking, fitness, traveling and photography.

As your son/daughter’s teacher, it is my goal to help him/her become a confident learner, and I will do my best to help make this year a positive experience for you child.


24194 Millstream Drive  |  Stone Ridge Virginia 20105  |  Phone 703.327.4989

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